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Kai was born on 7th August at 1:06am weighing 5lb 7.5oz's he's hust perfect 💙 My Labour storey: I was induced on Saturday morning at 10am by having a pessery inserted I was told that it's a lengthy process and baby would probably be born late Sunday or Monday but by 5pm on Saturday I was starting to contract. My labour really wasn't great due to being over stimulated by the pessery then the charge nurse not checking me when I told her how much pain I was in, anyway! I went from 3cm to 9cm very quickly and was left alone with only codine for pain relief as i was told I wasn't in established labour. Turns out I was in established labour and when she finally checked me I literally had to run down to the labour ward whilst phoning my husband. Hubby arrived at 12:45am to me pushing and baby Kai was here just over 20 minutes later. I'm so glad my baby boy arrived safely and that my husband made it on time but I would say to all you mummies to be that you totally know your own body and if your not being taken seriously demand to be checked or for another midwife. Turns out I had been in full labour for some time but was contracting out my back, which the midwife should have known! I'm trying not to let my labour put me off having any more kids but if I can do it at home next time I will or if I have to go back to the hospital I will not be spoken to or treated how I was that night. I wish you all a happy and safe delivery of your little ones. It is all worth it in the end xx

Лучший комментарий


Aw so gorgeous, Congratulations 🎉 it's terrible the way some midwives carry on these days makes you wonder why they are in that profession in the first place no compassion at all! Going to hospital to have a baby is Tyne only nice thing that really happens in hospitals and is ment to be a joyous occasion but some midwives are absolutely miserable and should deal with women at their most vulnerable we remember that experience for years to come sorry you went through such a thing I would leave a honest review on the maternity services for that hospital 😤 hope your enjoying motherhood so far 😊xx
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you @mother_of_humans for your kind words I'm sorry you had a similar experience also and like you say it appears to be happening more and more. I'm the same as you I will not go back to my local hospital there was a select few midwifes that were great but for the most part it was horrible felt like I was being treated like a silly little girl. My community midwife is supportive and has told me to write it all down. I would hate to think there's someone being treated as I was xx
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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