My son, Avan is my first child, and he's almost a year old. My husband and I have been very protective about not getting pregnant again. We want to wait until Avan's at least 5 before we try again. We had unprotected sex last month, and my period isnt due until the 1st. I haven't been tracking my ovulation or anything, so I don't know if it happened at the "right" time or not.
But I've been super nauseous lately, and having really bad food aversion. Chicken is usually my favorite food, but it makes me gag now. I seriously couldnt even finish dinner and had to give it to my dog.
Now just isn't a good time to get pregnant. my husband is starting over at a new job, and I finally just got back into college. plus I want more one on one time with my son.
if we have another baby, I will love it with all of my heart, but I'm just scared. :/