It's been a little more than 4 weeks since my c section.. I feel like I'm about to start my period... Should I okay to use tampons? Or should I still not use them?
@beccalynnn, unfortunately you still have to wait for 6 week postpartum checkup. 🙃 You can try it like some do with sex it is up to you. I've had 3 c sections I just wait.
I say if you switch them out often then you should be fine, you'll always have a risk of getting an infection from both sex and tampons, since you didn't deliver vaginally I think it's been long enough! But if you're iffy about it maybe call and ask? Or google it lol
@bentleysmomma, that's what I was thinking but the dr at the hospital said something about getting an infection from sex and what not so I didn't know if tampons would be any different