Never been so hurt in my life.. Please tell me if I'm wrong for this , mom got upset because she payed for my baby shower by herself with no help , my baby father mother didn't ask not once, I told him how I feel and he goes well my mom don't have money she has bills to pay 🙄 so I said well so does my mom ! But I'm not complain , but yet his mother brought him a stroller & car seat but hasn't brought my son not ONE thing 🤔! His family begged to be invited to the baby shower but NOONE showed up ! Not even his mom and grandma ! My family & friends came and I thank them for coming ! If it wasn't for my mom , family & friends my so wouldn't have the stuff he has now ! But I'm the bad person 🤔🤔 .. Now tell me is it wrong that I'm falling out of love with him 😔 that I'm better off a single mother because I do for him without asking him for help ! & btw his mother only saw my son ONE time since he been born but that's okay I'm not stressing it ! They treated my baby father daughter better then my son but it's cool ! IF IM WRONG PLEASE ME KNOW