I've been to the hospital twice this week, but this time I think it's it, I don't wanna go because I'm afraid they'll turn me away because I'm not crying 😭😭😭😭 what should I do?
What @jleightutt said. I went once before on the same night and was back a few hours later. I felt the difference. I was in agony on the way to the hospital. I could barely form a whole sentence lol.
What helped me the most was the nurse told me that I wouldn't even be able to talk through contractions... and boy was she right. they started out not that bad, but by the time I was ready to go to the hospital I was practically screaming through contractions....
I went to the hospital 4 times in one week and then I ended up having my LO the 4th time! I will say though that when I went in the third time, the nurse told me that I would know..: and when I went in labor I was questioning myself the whole time until i absolutely couldn't stand it anymore and then I just knew I needed to go in. Wait it out a little and see. You'll know know when it's time☺️