Schedule c-section for the 26 :( First time mom, any advice are appreciated;)

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Oops I didn't read far enough lol. My question was answered lol
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Following. My baby is breeched too. @torikvi did the doctors give you any other options? They haven't talked too much to me about it yet 😞
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@torikvi, I haven't scheduled one yet. I'm going to wait it out. But usually around 33-35 weeks babies won't turn, that's what my ob said but who knows lol she's a stubborn baby
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jessjohn21, do you have any other reason ,my doctor said that 39 weeks it's earliest you should do it, because baby still can turn. Try to stay on your knee and elbows 10 min in the morning and evening, maybe it will help you.
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@torikvi, they don't think that she's going to move. She's been in this same position since like forever. If I did have one it would be scheduled around 38 weeks. I see my doctor on Tuesday so we shall see what she says
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jessjohn21, he was in right position before 36 weeks and then flipped , doctor suggested to stay on your knee and elbows, but it didn't work so now I have no other choice;) they won't schedule you c-section until you 39 weeks ,so you still have time))
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My baby is breeched too! She's frank breeched which means she is butt down. Did they give you any options before you scheduled your C section or did you just schedule it?
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm getting baby fever all over again😭😭
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
No, you can do everything as normal except for lifting. Nothing heavier than the baby. But I would still take the stairs slow for the first few days. It's definitely not most people's first choice but it's not all that bad. I don't have a vaginal delivery to compare it to... But the recovery isn't horrible. Everyone told me that it's the easiest pain to forget and that is so true. The pain is nothing once you hold your sweet baby😁
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had to walk up stairs to get to my apartment and was fine but id ask ! and like she said . dont be brave with your meds . i tried , i woke up with a fever and puking because i was in so much pain . i got oxycodone and ibprofin . i set alarms for when i can take them !
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mimiz, @princesssskxo, @jleightutt thanks girls for the advice;) is there any restrictions about stairs? my baby is breach that's why I scheduled one)
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
You'll do great, I'm sure! I wasn't expecting to have a c-section but I almost wish I would've just scheduled it😂 I pushed for like 4 hours before we just decided to go with a c section... That was worse than the actual recovery
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
That was really long but I feel like a lot of people make c-sections seem scary and I just had a really good experience. I would also make sure you have something sturdy next to your bed for the first week or two to help pull yourself out of bed because those muscles need time to heal. I was grateful I had a sturdy wood bassinet for my LO. But an end table or something would work too
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes! What they said. Don't overdo it though. I went home earlier than most c section mommas... I had her Tuesday morning and was home by 5pm on Thursday.... I was up and moving around the whole day at the hospital on Thursday and then got home and almost passed out. I think I took like a 4 hour nap when I got home. It is okay to take it easy the first week home as long as you're up and moving around when you can. Also, don't be brave with your meds. Take them every time you're supposed to... That helped me a lot. About a week after I had her I thought "I'm not in much pain, I can go without my meds" and then was in a lot of pain like 30 minutes later. I kept a chart in a notebook so I could keep track of when I took them so I never forgot. The main things the nurse told me in the hospital though is to take it easy and keep up on my meds and the recovery wouldn't be bad... And I did exactly that and my recovery went really smoothly. I'm 6 weeks post partum now and I feel awesome!
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had an emergency c section . youre gonna hear the words " walk " and want to cry . but seriously walk whenever you can . i walked laps and pushed him in his little crib thing . its helps . and drink a lot of water .
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Walk walk walk
19.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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