So my baby has thrush & has been on antibiotics for 2 days.. I also got a cream antibiotic called in because I breast feed her.. well the doctor said I could still nurse her I just have to clean my nipples before & after & use the cream.. it has gotten so painful idk what to do.. & sje won't take a bottle.. any ideas??

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I ended up having to use Gentian Violet with my daughter, when she had thrush. I also let my nipples air dry after each feeding and when I slept at night, it helps to keep moisture away.
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
you could pump and fill syringes and see if she'll take that? I had to do this with my daughter in the beginning because we were having a hard time latching and she was losing to much weight
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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