I'm terrified of going into labor. My main question is..... Does an epidural hurt? And Does it hurt when and if the doctor has to cut you instead of letting you rip!? Please put my mind at ease. 😓 first time mom.
i didn't feel when they cut me at all. they said its easier to stitch a cut than a tear. trust me, its scary to think about but once its happening, you caught up in going through the motions of everything that by the time its all said and done you'll look at yourself as more empowered. 💙
You'll be in so much pain by the time you get the epidural, it won't hurt lol! The most you will feel is pressure and that's it because they numb it first.
My epidural hurt but not as bad as my contractions and the relief was so worth it!!! I didn't have to be cut but I had a very small tear with my first and didn't feel it at the time but hurt so bad after. I don't think doctors often cut anymore because there's stretching and softening methods now.
I wouldn't recommend an epidural I had to get when I was 13 weeks for surgery to ensure my son stayed in place and made it to full term my back was messed up ever since went natural when it came time to deliver him and no if they cut u instead of letting u rip doesn't hurt
Epidural doesn't hurt. When your in labor your more focused on the contractions. I literally just signed the paper and huged my husband it was over before I knew it. Ripping doesnt hurt I ripped but can't help you with getting cut.
I didn't feel the epidural at all you feel 2 little pricks where they give you the numbing meds then after that nothing. The rest I can't help with I had an emergency c-section after 40 hours in labor.