Just left the Dr. with no good news. She's going to let me go 4 days past my due date...I just want my baby out now. Maybe im just being impatient but I am officially depressed. just wake me up when I go into labor thanks.
@symone2016, I had the epidural 5 hours in because the bulb they put in to soften my cervix and help me dilate was about much pain that I could take. I wasn't progressing either being induced after getting pit icon for 7 hours. Since they had broke my water and I hadn't progressed it was putting pressure on my sons head. When she told me that I was like c section now please. Plus after your water breaks it increases the chances of infection. I was in the hospital 5 days for recovery because that induction took so much out of me. Had to get blood transfusion was put on constant fluid and all sorts of stuff.
@symone2016, I wasn't making progress though and that is why it took five days. They wouldn't keep me and so they sent me home. A lot. My blood pressure spiked really high because of all the pain but I wasn't dialating very well. But Epidural land was fun.
I went four days past mine to see if I could go naturally and was unsuccessful. Believe me don't rush it because being induced was so painful. I was in labor 23 hours and eventually had to have a c section. Now that's no fun
@beckaelyse, you were in labor a long time! But id take that over no progress at all. between the pain and discomfort im over it :( feels like she'll decide to come in November. :(
You don't want to be awake for labor either. I had labor starting at 2 am on Monday and delivered at almost 4 pm Friday. I ended up having a c section. Good luck!!!