I'm not actually TRYING to conceive since i had my son 2 1/2 months ago, but i have a question that someone here could probably help me with maybe?
Since its only been 2 1/2 months since his birth, should i have gotten my period by now? my clinic was overbooked and i dont get my 6 week postpartum check up until September 13th and my boy will be 3 1/2 months by then 😒 anyway, we been usin protection, but because he was born ON my 21st birthday my boyfriend took me and my sister in law out to celebrate sometime the month after he was born and obviously i know it only takes once.
i had some very light spotting on july 24th but im not sure if it may or may not have been implantation bleeding. it was so light like i wiped and it was there but that was it. nothing else before or since then. I have a 2 yo girl and miscarried before i conceived my son so youd think I'd have it pretty figured out by now but I'm just confused because I havent had a period so I dont know how far along I'd even be if i AM pregnant. over the past two-three days ive been feeling a little sick off and on as well as having lower back pain. I feel light headed every now and then, and have a black pit for a stomach. but im also breast feeding so im not sure what correlates to that instead. with my first i got upset stomach moslty in the evening and short of a missed period i had minimal other symptoms. with the one i miscarried other than a missed period i had a few early food cravings and with my son i was so sick i was in and out of the hospital 9 times in the first four months because i wasnt able to keep anything down and had to be hydrated via IV.