@mrssanderson, you shouldn't be afraid to nurse in public though just because some people have issues with it. If they say something, tell them that there are laws protecting you. And if they try to get wherever you are to kick you out or ask you to go somewhere else, you can sue.
I'm the only one home with my son throughout the day & the only one up with him throughout the night. My husband has been working for the past 14 days straight & even when he is home I'm the only one able to feed him... We don't have any family here closer than 6 hours away. My son is 4 months & still wakes up throughout the night to feed every 3-4 hours... We're going through the process of sleep training so recently he started sleeping in his own bed. I have to go back & forth from my room to his to get him to go back to sleep. Not to mention whenever we go out if he's fussy I can't just give him a bottle, I have to find a place to nurse regardless of where we are 😝 I understand what you're saying, it's exhausting whether you pump or BF but I don't agree pumping is more work than EBF lol @meboom01
@mrssanderson, I have to pump every 4-6 hours and sometimes I can't because she's hungry whenever I need to and I'm alone most of the time while my mom and boyfriend are at work. Then at night I have to wake up to pump (which takes 30 minutes) and THEN feed her. If she needs to eat right before or after, I can be up for 2 hours. I get less sleep than a regular breastfeeding mom. I wish she had latched right just so I wouldn't be so sleep deprived. Plus ou have to make a bottle at 2 in the morning when you're half asleep. It's exhausting