Not pregnancy related. But I just caught my boyfriend cheating on me. He's crying. Begging me to stay and all the stuff any one would say. He said he wants a family and he will change and do anything to have me stay... Idk what to do. Anyone else ever been in this situation, what did you do?! Help please I'm at such a loss.... I wanna stay, but idk if that's dumb.

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you need to leave him because he hasn't changed I remember us talking about when he was going out to the bar and him having issues with talking to girls
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would leave.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've been there, I found out my husband cheated on me 4 months before our wedding. I decided to stay and make him prove to me that we should be together and that it wouldn't happen again. this was over a year ago and he is completely different. do I fully trust him? not a chance, but I'm working my way up to it. I believe that everyone fucks up in relationships and trust can be rebuilt. it will take a long time. you will think about it all the time but it can be done. if you feel your relationship is worth saving then try to work it out. but like everyone else is saying do what's best for you and that baby. I'm always here if you need to talk hun
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
What do you feel like doing? We can all give you advice, but I agree with the young lady above me, do what's best for you and for your precious baby.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
whatever your decision is take all the time you need. don't rush into anything. don't get pressured into staying or leaving for that matter. do what you think is best for you and your baby.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Noone should be telling you to leave him or stay with him. none of us knows what type of relationship you two have. I believe in people and think one can change, but it's up to you if you think you can fully forgive him and learn to trust again. if you can't the relationship most likely won't get better.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was 9 1/2 months pregnant with my daughter when I caught my man cheating on me not just with one girl but 3 and I was devastated but I made him prove to me that he was worth my presence and let me tell you he is a completely different man now and we have been together for almost 3 years and its been almost 2 years since the incident happened @kialey
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i agree with both comments above i stayed and regret it most of the time trust issues are hard to get out of. i stayed and i have two beautiful babies but that doesnt mean i trust him. he asked me to marry him and i told him i would when i felt it was acceptable. hes cheating whike your pregnant ? i feel like that would make it worse. i honestly dont know how your holding it together. your a strong person. i do also only feel like hes crying because hes only sorry he got caught. i mean you saw this with your own eyes ? id be furious
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
From my opinion I think you shouldn't stay, make it hard for him to get it back if he really wants it. But you don't deserve that.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I left my ex. I have two kids with him. Was with my ex for 6 years. But I wasn't going to allow that that. Yes it was hard at first being a single mom but now I'm engaged and had my 3rd baby with the man I love. I am very happy now and I'm so glad I left my ex because of cheating. Usually that's what men say that they will never do it again but who knows. Men that cheat are childish. I don't deal with those types of things. If he really loved you he wouldn't have cheated on u in the first place. If u give him another chance. Be hard on him. Be serious with him. Don't get him off the hook so easily. That was so wrong what he did. Specially if ur holding his baby.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
First, forget what everyone else says and feel. This is your turn to be selfish. Obviously he didn't think about you when he cheated. If you stay it's going to take years of commitment and dedication to try to build that trust again. If you leave him, allow him to be a father to his child, but as far as you..keep it pushing. I've been here here before. It's hard! If you stay, it is very possible for you 2 to work it out, but it is going to be HARD and he has to seriously stop cheating!
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
been there I would leave and make him work for it . see how bad he wants his family . he stop because he only got caught.
12.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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