Has anyone suffered with gallbladder attacks while pregnant? I seem to get them every 2 weeks or so and the pain is out of control. Any tips??

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Mine would go around to my back and if I got into the shower and let it hit my back that would ease the pain but only while it was happening but when you need a break. It helps! I was kinda at the same point no matter what I ate it still happened. Drinking some water or Gatorade helped sometimes as well. I'll be thinking about you! Was not fun :(
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@usafwife, @rebeccca3009 Thank you ladies for the replies! I've been trying to stay away from fatty foods, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I guess it's just preparing me for the labor pains to come!
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes I've had gallbladder issues since I've had ,y last daughter and suffered my first attack a few weeks back I thought I was dying I was in that much pain to the point my husband and good friend called 911 and I was so embarrassed because he rescue squad that came to get me is he one I run for so the people I work with took very good care of me. the GI specialist told me to stay away for greasy fatty foods but I'm stil having issues and won't remove it till after I have the baby
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yessss :( It started about 5 months prego with my first. And lasted till the end. Extremely painful. Look up the diet and try to stick with that. Stay away from greasy foods, fatty foods. That's the main thing I remember. I swear it was worse than labor. They removed mine about a month after she was born.
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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