Sarahi Flores
Sarahi Flores

Hi Ladies,

So I have a puppy who's 3 months old ☺️ and I am 31 weeks pregnant. I'm concerned I won't be able to tend to her with the baby's arrival. Are there any mom's out there who went through this and have any tips to take on both a puppy and a baby? ( P.S. She's a great dog very sweet and loving, not much of a destroyer lol ) I just want some tips or advice on if it's difficult and what I can do to work it out☺️

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Take her to puppy classes while you still have time and crate train her. There will be times when you need to separate dog and baby and you don't want her yelping and howling.
08.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My "puppy" is now a year old but she's still extremely high energy like she was at 3 months old. The best thing I would say to do is take her on walks with you and baby if you can, that'll wear her out. That's what I plan on doing because I've been worrying about the same thing since I have two German shepherds and will be by myself a lot once my fiancé is off his leave. They get worn out faster at your pups age too from walks so use that to your advantage lol
08.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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