@tg123456789, so horrible but at least you aren't the only one have the same issues, I feel as horrible in this together💪🏻 but yes not long left now!xx
i was mortified. they want me to stay in and they know i refuse everytime but today i was going to as im there at 8 in morn anyway but after that incident i said i was coming home. the drive home was immense. im been sick so my son at sides been sick :( god im fed up. and im same its just bile coming up now. bright yellow bile! found myself chuntering fuck off life as struggled outta car just now. 😒
weve not long. @josiewatson xx
@tg123456789, I feel exactly how you do:(( very tmi but it feels like I have nothing left in me to be sick or be on the toliet it's disgusting, cramps and hot flushes don't make it any worse. Just got to think of the funny side of being sick on a midwife hahah!🙈xx
ive just come out hosp made right show of my self. spewing all over :(
im same. headache. feel sick as a dog. cant stay off toiket for number 2s. i look and feel rancid! and to top it off as i refuse to stay in due to no childcare for my son ive to go back at 4 for routine monitoring and it will be same midwife ive just splashed wirh sick! give me strength @josiewatson