what have people found that helps with a colicky baby?
I. think it's colic anyway. he's hungry and wants to eat but can only manage 1 Oz before crying/screaming for hours until he goes sleep in my arms.... tried infacol but he's still the same. helppppp

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Google says lay him on his back in a dark, quiet room.Swaddle him snugly in a blanket.Lay him across your lap and gently rub his back.Try infant massage.Put a warm water bottle on your baby's belly.Have him suck on a pacifier.Soak him in a warm bath :) xx
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm going to try colic granules for my son as the colief drops were too much and gave him the runs 🙈 I've tried everything, gripe water, infacol and dentinox even tried the comfort milk for colic but no joy! 😕 xx
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm undecided whether he has silent t reflux or colic now. Google hasn't helped. it's made me think he's got silent reflux but I've heard the milk can make them constipated @hannah2310 @mrsmowmow @sara-lou.... this parenting milarkie is stressful. I do t know whether to try the comfort milk for colic or the reflux milk.....
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've been debating whether my son has colic as well @mich77 Max can manage a whole bottle but struggles bringing wind up. Then will be incredibly fussy/unsettled & seems in discomfort for ages after. If infacol or gripe water don't work there's also colic drops & colic powders to try. I'm going to try the powder as infacol doesn't seem to help. I googled baby massage can help. Trying different positions for cuddles. As @mrsmowmow said other wise it's riding it out as they do grow out of it. Not pleasant though :-/
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
It might be silent reflux, Scarlett was hardly ever sick but still had the acid build up, maybe ask your health visitor/midwife xx
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't know. he's not sick or anything with it. just tries to drink but then spits it out and screams @hannah2310
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Is it not reflux? Scarlett was like that and would only take small feeds xxx
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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