I was thinking maybe I had diabetes, but I'm now taking anemia into consideration. What are the treatments they're giving you for anemia ? @sweetness208
yeah that's how I look too pale and always crave ice. I hope you don't have it and everything is just fine :) trust me I totally get what you mean I'm in the same boat as you @sarahiflores
Really? Someone said I was looking pale today and looking like I had anemia. Maybe I should get tested? Thank you so much ☺️ I definitely will. It feels nice to hear someone who is or has gone through the same thing. Sometimes I feel other people can't relate 🙁 @sweetness208
that's good maybe your new OBGYN will give you some answers I told my midwife and she said they were signs of anemia she did a blood test and turns out that's what it was @sarahiflores
I wasn't depressed before pregnancy. Yes he is definitely always here for me that's why I feel bad about being depressed without having any reason to be 🙁 @babyleon
Sure it's normal, our hormones are a mess. Maybe unless you were the same before pregnancy? Is he there for you emotionally? If so that's good! Stay positive! @sarahiflores
@babyleon, that's exactly what I told my husband the other day. I can't wait to give birth and go back to normal. Although I am afraid I will have PPD because of how depressed I've been through out my pregnancy. I just don't know what's normal or not since this is my first pregnancy
maybe if you stay consistent you'll see a change, cause everyone is different I seen people who didn't take them at all but some of us need that extra daily boost
depending if you know you're iron levels than u may want to take them it can make a difference, as for vitamins I feel they help but everyone is different.
those are the usual symptoms around that time well at least for me I picked up after that and feel the same way now I'm 34 weeks 😖 try to stay positive at least maybe it'll go away soon
I've been struggling with it since I was about 15 weeks or so. @jayare I feel out of energy all the time, all I want to do is sleep & I look tired/dead all the time