My doc even said to use it 😂 not saying that it's wrong or right because i haven't but my aunt and mom ( of 5 kids ) used it and we was fine. But they told me it was hard to drink because of how thick it is. I wouldn't be able to do it, have you tried the other oil I'm not sure the name but it started with a P I hear it works ! Good luck @dessylove11
My sister did it and all it did was make her go to the bathroom all night and upset her stomach. Every pregnancy is different I hope it works for you☺️ if not stay close to a bathroom! @dessylove11
i don't appreciate the negativity being posted on my post! ill go stright to the emergency room after i leave work thanks to other mothers bashing and being negative. i feel my baby boy move as we speak
I personally know woman you used castor oil. she carried her baby to 39 weeks and she lost the baby because it was recommend that she use it by one person.
yes ive read up on all that. am 2cm dialted and have been having contractions for 3 weeks just nothing strong enough to go into labor. am getting induced next week just wanted to try my self first. thanks doll @klove2016
It's just a laxative. You'll have to already be in the early stages of labor for it to even possibly work. It also passes to the baby, and can cause them to pass their first poop inside you.. Which isn't good.. Good luck Hun