QUESTION PLEASE HELP! I went for an ultrasound today turns out I had ovulated like a day or 2 ago even though I hadn't had my period for 2 months lol anyways my doctor said my endometrium line was thick I think that's what is called so I might be getting my period but I might not and get pregnant cause I did ovulate! What do u guys think when the line is thick does it mean I'm getting. My period for sure !?
Oh thank you so much I really appreciate you lettin me know !!' @journeytobaby the doctor told me I needed to lose weight bc that could be causing me not to have periods
if the endometrium lining is thick it could mean you are about to have a period, or in my case, since I had cysts on my ovaries, my endometrium lining was thick because it was just building up and building up because i wasn't having a period. I had to have surgery to have it removed