So my 6 month old has dropped his eating down quite a lot the past three days. He used to eat 6-7oz every 2-2.5 hours. First he dropped down to 5oz. Then he started only eating 4. Yesterday, I would make a 4oz bottle and he would eat about 2. Then it would be 45 minutes before he would eat the other 2. Last night before bed, he only ate an ounce out of a 4oz bottle.

I tried making his time between feedings longer to see if he would eat it the full bottle, in case it was messing up his schedule since he would eat some, wait and eat some more. but it didn't really change anything besides make him crankier. I know he has a tooth coming through, but can a tooth decrease his feedings that much? He's been pooping like 3 times a day, normal for him. Not runny or anything. He's been a little extra fussy, but I assume that's the teething.

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