SeiJai Washington
SeiJai Washington
Hello I am a new mommy and need help on tips with breastfeeding with large breasts. I cannot seem to get my little one to latch on correctly despite all of the tips my aunt and Mom have given me. My breasts are large and my areolas are large and trying to make sure I do not smother her and still get her a good latch is really difficult. I have heard it's not supposed to to hurt when babies latch on but I am finding it very painful my little one latches on and when I try to shift her I am just getting frustrated because I keep having to take her on and off my breasts because I am uncomfortable also if I do get a good latch I'm having to bend over to keep my boob in her mouth please help thank you.

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my son had problems latching, so I got a nipple shield. works great
02.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I laid down beside the baby so I could control better where her head and my breast was.
02.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
first time feeding DOES hurt sadly. your nipples will get used to it, and maybe she is latched wrong and has hr bottom lip sucked in while feeding my son had this problem and it hurt SO SO SO SO bad :( when she is latched take your index finger, bring it up to under her bottom lip and roll your finger to pop her lip out, I learned this and it made feeding 10x better :) I hope this works for you . I also have giant boobs so the top part of my boob was always always get nose making it hard for her to breath I always panicked :( so I always just wore a bra and tried to make my nipples higher so it was alot easier :) I hope that helps you
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Try propping your breast up and bring her up to the nipple and try that it's not gonna be easy but not sure of everything of your situation also every mother is different some mothers nipples are sensitive to a baby and some are not it all depends
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
The football hold with a pillow under the baby. Thats what the lactation lady at the hospital told me to try because I had such big boobs.
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
you should seek out breast feeding classes..and actually breast feeding does hurt for the first 2 weeks after baby arrives untill the nipple area toughens up.
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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