Gemma Hewitt
Gemma Hewitt
OK so I had to give in and buy some formula last night coz I was sat for half an hour expressing and only got 2oz and had to top it up to 5oz with my other boob! I'm still going to express as well as give her formula but I'm definitely running out of milk this morning I got 5oz in 25 mins on my left side and then only 3oz on my right in the same amount of time!! doesn't make sense :(

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you've done brilliantly. i an doing the same expressing and top up with formula and so far have only managed 2oz per express although baby is only 6 days old so i know it will get better. Well done sounds like you've done great to me 😀 xx
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
you have done amazing! more than iv EVER got outta my boobs with both of mine xx
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
You have done amazingly breast feeding is one of he hardest things I've done, we ended up on formula after a month the first few weeks are the most crucial as the colostrum is like liquid gold for their health anything after that is a bonus. I felt terrible guilt giving up but it wasn't working my diet was upsetting her she had colic the list goes on, but now I have a very happy and healthy baby so it isn't bad to put them over to formula do what's right for you and your baby. If you want to produce more strip the pair of you naked skin to skin is the best way to get your milk going . The most important thing is a happy mum is a happy baby X
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ljay, she does have less formula compared to my breast milk I made an extra oz just incase but she didn't want it so I haven't made more. and she only feeds every 4/5 hours she has done from the 1st night in hospital and ever since the health visitor and my midwife said she's fine to be like that and not to worry about it xx
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
if I do it too close together I get hardly anything, only like 5 days ago I was getting loads and now it's really slowing down, my morning ones are always quite quick then as the day goes on I have to sit longer and longer yesterday I sat for 50 minutes for 5oz it's rediculous! I said I want to try and do it but if I couldn't I wasn't going to beat myself up about it but now I'm doing it I feel like I'm letting her down lol my OH is very supportive though he said I'm not letting her down I've done really well and some people don't even try. yes it's got to be a lot easier at least I can go out for the whole day now and not worry if I've got enough or rush to get back before she wakes up lol xx
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
You won't be running out of milk Hun your milk still won't have come through properly yet I done this and got upset because I wasn't expressing enough but by week 4 I was getting loads out in one session of expressing its still only early for you don't think it's your milk supply your body is still adjusting to supplying milk the more you do it the more you'll get it, it's a long someone painful process but if you really want to do it don't give up! I mix feed as well and it works so much better than trying to exclusive BF all the time@xx
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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