When I see woman having babies before 37weeks I get scared for them! And they don't even understand "well my dr said its okay, my fr said its safe" 36weeks is pushing the low end and anything before that I can almost promise a Nicu stay I'd rather try to talk to the momma let them know before its to late. A lot of y'all think oh a baby early that's fine no biggy only 4+weeks early. Wrong info you're so damn wrong!!!!!! You're talking tubes medical staff hospitalizations for your child while you go home childless oxygen problems so many problems you never thought was possible or things you thought was to crazy to even be possible are real and you don't even take my advice I've been at it for 5montjs? Do you know what it's like? No you don't!

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37 weeks is full term, and having medically needed early is understandable but when you're just having early or the dumb dr says it's fine to deliver at 35 and under weeks it makes me pissed! 36weeks is kinda early just bc they can be a small bit behind but wouldn't be more than a 3-8day stay at the Nicu if it's just common issues and nothing actually seriously wrong with the baby
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's not right to force a baby out for your own personal needs because you're tired of being pregnant , but some women have no choice but to have their baby early, I would've loved for my baby to stay in a little by longer but if she did I'd probably wouldn't have been able to even see her after being born... I had to have her 37 weeks if she would've stayed any longer I probably would've been dead
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
How early are they trying to make you deliver? And it's so painful to see mothers like that it's like seriously do you not see my post do you not see what I and MANY MANY other woman go thru every day just from delivering as early as 3weeks earl?
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree! I've been lucky enough to deliver at 39 weeks but this pregnancy when they said they might have to take baby sooner than ready I cried so hard! I understand being impatient, but be responsible enough to understand that babies need all the time they can get in the womb! It makes me sad when people start trying to get labor going at even 36weeks. 😞
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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