Gemma Hewitt
Gemma Hewitt
OK so evie is now 2 weeks old and I have managed to breast feed her for her 1st week then I've expressed milk for her 2nd week but I'm finding it difficult to "socialise" around expressing and feeding, like going out for dinner and going out for the day etc and I'm really tired with late nights and early hours expressing too so I think I'm going to have to go to formula but not sure which one to have for her... what are you ladies using and why?

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to be fair she's really good she will sleep for like 4/5 hours then have 5oz and go back to sleep but I feel like I've got to rush home when I'm out to get back to make more bottles for the evening or I have to get up earlier to make some before we go out, I'm proud of myself for being able to do it for these last 2 weeks at least she's had the best bits but we'll done to you for going for 6 months! that's fab! xxx
30.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've breast fed Maya for 6 months now...and yeah it is very difficult in the first month as they feed constantly (I could never have dinner with my family as she would want feeding at the same time) But it gets easier :) xxx
30.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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