I'm so excited to have a fifth baby! Lol. I really want six at the end of the day, but we will see. I still haven't told my husband that I'm pregnant. I'm so scared for his reaction 😏 how can I ease into telling him? With our first he was there when I took the test, second I put our three month old in a onesie that I made and it said "big sister" (she was preemie, so still tiny and in newborn clothes it was ironic), our third I was shocked and told him while he was in the shower..he punched the wall 😞 our fourth I took him to BWW and had the waiter bring him a "prize" for being randomly selected as a winner.. (I made a gift with a Broncos onesie wrapping the pregnancy test and made it look all cute). He was speechless and it didn't dawn on him for a good thirty seconds that I was pregnant Lol. We now have a 4 yo, 3yo, 2 yo, and 2 month old.. This one (based off my track record) will be born when our youngest is 9 months old. I take care of them pretty much solo, and he runs our company. It works great . He is so bipolar about having another baby.. I know I want two more, and would rather get them all out of the way now so they can be close in age. Last weekend (knowing there was a possibility I could be pregnant) we got into a huge fight, and he told me he was going to get a vasectomy because we are "ruining his life". Sometimes he wants us to get pregnant, and other days he's so against it it breaks my heart. Anyways.. That aside.. I'm scared for his reaction. I was thinking about waiting until the ultrasound to tell him, but he was pissed at me last weekend for hiding stuff from him (long story--previous post). What would you guys do? Like how would you tell him? No negative feedback please.. I realize this isn't the most ideal situation, and need support more than anything. ❤️