Anyone have any success with labor starting soon after taking evening primrose oil and inserting it vaginally? My midwife says my fluid is low and if it's any lower by my next appointment, they have to induce me and my midwife REALLY doesn't want to have to do that and I don't either. She said I could go ahead and start trying to naturally induce labor. Castor oil didn't work for me so I'm trying EPO depending on how successful everyone says it is!

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I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but my aunt ate a habanero pepper to induce, went into labor the next hour.
27.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
epo doesn't induce labor. It softens the cervix and get it ripe for delivery as many women need to be thinned out before they begin to dilate
27.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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