My little girl is 12 weeks old tomorrow and her night time sleeping pattern is awful , she is still only having 4oz bottles so waking really often , please some tips
From one very tired emotional mummy X
A bedtime routine helped my lg so much 😀 before i started doing a proper routine she was waking every 4 hours but now she will sleep straight through from 8pm until 6am. Also johnsons bedtime range is like magic! Tesco brand is supposed to be really good too!
Do you put her to bed at a certain time or just when she seems ready or when you go to bed? Sorry so many questions 😊 just seeing if I can help at all as my little ones I put them to bed when I go to bed around 10am and that seems to help but some people judge and say you should have a routine of them going to bed around 7pm but it just has never worked for me and they have been up every couple of hours if i put them to bed early x
Today she slept for two hours this morning and then 30 mins this afternoon X other half taken her for a walk and still screaming and not settling @baby316