Has anyone had an external version? Was it successful and how was your experience? It doesn't sound like the success rate is very high and my husband and I are considering declining it and just scheduling a c section but I'm feeling really torn. I'm just not sure if it's worth the associated risks. Thanks mamas!

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@machelle137, those are exactly my thoughts. It's just such a hard decision but I'm feeling like a planned c section might be the best decision all the way around. The idea of the version really makes me uncomfortable. My dr said the risks are rare but it still just doesn't seem worth it. A c section might not be what I envisioned, but I know my baby will be safe if we go that route.
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had a c-section for the same reason. I wouldn't do it. I think that if the baby is stuck that way that they are there for a reason. it only has less than a 50 percent success rate and then you could also have a emergency c-section right then if the baby's heart rate goes down. if that happens your significant other can not be in there with you. I personally didn't want to risk anything. babies can also turn by themselves right up to when you go into labor. do some research of your own and go with your gut feeling.
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's my worry. At our 35 week ultrasound, baby's head was measuring over 40 weeks. I know ultrasounds are subjective but I can feel her head and it feels huge! I'm worried we'll go through the version only to have an unplanned c section anyway. Was the version painful?
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had one that was successful, but my water broke at 40 weeks and I didn't progress fast enough so had to have a csection anyway
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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