My boys were so simple to put to bed. They only woke up for a feeding 2,3times. Never caused a problem. Miss Diva over here is complete opposite. She wants to sleep on your chest or in your arms. She wants to stay right by you in bed. I'm scared of co sleeping. Any tips. She's going on 3 weeks & I still feel like a zombie

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Thanks for the tips ladies
26.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I Co sleep with my 3 week old she doesn't sleep soundly unless she is in my arms or next to me. I have a pillow that she fits on and sleeps like a champ. She always have slept with me from the moment they bought her in the room she been by my side. I hope it don't be hard to convert her to her crib.
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'd say try the little bassinet that goes right in the bed. it's safer and you can still have your hand touching her so she knows you're there. my 2 boys were both really laid back babies too and my daughter didn't sleep through the night til a year old! must be a girl thing lol.
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, I was scared to co sleep too! My baby girl wouldn't sleep in her own bassinet, and I'm the type of person who moves a lot in their sleep, I fell asleep with her in the bed with me and didn't move at all. Even tho my doctor doesn't recommend sleeping with your baby (most doctors don't) your body knows! And honestly it made me and baby closer. But she's 4 months now and sleeps in her play pen beside my bed because she sleeps on her tummy, and I was scared of her doing that in bed and I had no problem with her converting from bed to her own bed. They also make bassinets that are made to be in the bed with you, you could always try that. 😊
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My boys both are/were like that. I think as a mum you will know feel that the baby is next too you. You will be aware even in your sleep. I remember I was afraid to first time when my first born was born. You could try to put your baby in the crib with a your t-shirt or some thing you been wearing. They say the smell of the clothing makes the baby feel safe like she is next too you. Also having for example pillow or some clothes rolled up and on both side will make her safe and she wont wake up that much and move around. Hope this made any sense
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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