@tristianandjasmirsmom, yea, I can't wait until she's on an actual set schedule. I can then determine whether I need to get things done around the house or take a nap with her lol
@1sttimemommy0516, yes I love that as well I'm trying to get him on a schedule but he doesn't help me much with that he sleeps more then he's up not knocking it cause I'm able to get things done at times
@tristianandjasmirsmom, she's my 1st so I'm still learning lol! I thought she might've been teething but I checked her gums and nothing yet. I take the binky from her before she gets into a deep sleep. She'll wake up in the middle of the night to eat and fall right back asleep which is great lol
@1sttimemommy0516, my son drools too but u don't remember oldest drooling at this age my 2 month old is ebf as well he will only wake up if he's hungry or binky fell out