Anyone induced during week 37 and taken days to have the baby? I've been here since 930 am yesterday and only dilated to 1cm this evening (using 3 different medicines)
they won't send me home because I have high blood pressure so thats why im getting induced so early. I did cervadil. then cytotek. then 12 hours or pitocin. and now back 9n cytotek. Hopefully we see her tomorrow!
I just gave birth Monday. I got induced Saturday at 2:30am. They did the cevidil(the thing that goes in the vag) for 12 hours and the the pitocin. After 1 day and no changes they gave me an option to restart or stay on pitocin. I chose to restart, so we went again with the cevidil then the pitocin after so many hours. After 24 hours and being stuck at 5cm for a few hours they said if in 2 hours no change they were doing a csection. We tried the peanut ball and i went to 7cm after that it just kind of came along. I also ended up having to do laboring down until she was low enough. I was at 10 ready to go but she wasnt far down enough. Finally come 8:30am she arrived.
I was 39 and 4days. I ended up being in the hopsital for 5 days, 3 of those were labor. Dont give up, I remember feeling misserable thinking I was going to be sent home everytime a nurse came into the room. But we did everything we could. Itll be over before you know it. Good luck
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Both my cousins were induced and it took 3 days for them to deliver their babies
I was induced at 39 weeks and it took almost 2 days. I stayed at 1cm until they broke my water. I didn't need a c-section, but I would have if I had gone longer than that second day.
yikes! Hopefully that doesn't happen here. we will see. the docs said possibly tomorrow maybe monday. cervix was closed and high when we started so something is happening at least
My Ex's mom.... She ended up being sent home. Means your body wasn't ready and will probably result in a c section. That's the issues with inducements...