Advice ladies... My bf picked his son up yesterday for the weekend and when he gets home I see he bought his 2yo son a cap gun. Are cap guns dangerous? Isn't a 2 yo too young to play with a cap gun? Can it hurt him in any way?
@mommytoaiden, yeah he gave the gun to his son as son as they got home yesterday and he shot it and scared my 2 month old half to death so I told him no more in the house.
Ok I just don't kno much about them. And since we have a 2 month old in the house I wanted to make sure that it wouldn't hurt either of the kids. @mommytoaiden @valerie_jean.
I don't think so they just make a loud pop noise so if he likes it then I'd say let him have fun with it! Boys will be boys 😜 and dads can't wait to get their sons their first least I know my fiancé can't @braydensmommy428