I now know why God allowed me to have my girl last.... If she had come first I would have closed my baby making factory.

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Haha! Oh my goodness kids are great ❤️ thank you!!
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@forever223, woah! I'm sure there's a bunch of yelling "who broke that?" "How'd that happen?" and "that's disgusting" in your home lol. My 2 boys wrestle all day they put their feet in each other's faces (for what, i don't know) lol. I needed this girl. I was drowning in a sea of ninja turtles and dinosaurs. I hope you get your next baby girl so you can get out of the baby making business as well lol.
24.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Lol! My girl came first, and every baby since I've prayed for a boy! Now I have One girl and three boys 😅 my three boys all together are easier than my one girl by herself lol. With girls it's drama, screeching, and emotional nonsense. I have a hard time with it!?With boys it's just wrestling and fighting.. I can do that! Lol I would like to end our family tree with a little girl. A little princess to spoil, and a little girl for my boys to protect ❤️ makes me smile. And then I will get fixed! Lol.
23.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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