Has anyone gone through postpartum depression and can give me some advice

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Right it's very hard to get me some time to myself cause I have a 10 month old and a newborn and a 5 year old and my baby father work from morning until night 6 days a week and on his day off he still not no help, to the point where I wanted fuck him up and just go somewhere for a week where I don't have to worry about kids just me
23.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had it and I still have it. My baby is 5 months and I still have my moments. Whatever you are feeling that day talk to someone that's willing to hear you feelings or write it down. Make sure you get some "YOU" time because that's very important when it come to having a new born. Your so consumed with making sure he/she is okay you, you forget about yourself.
23.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I did when I had my son ... I didn't want anyone around my baby.... If someone held him I would cry... I was paranoid thinking everybody wanted to hurt my baby.... Since he's been born I never let him out of my sight he's 23 months.... It too me almost a year to loosen up but I still don't let him spend the day at anybody house meaning family member or friends .... He's my shadow thank god I'm a SAHM... Now we are expecting twins!
23.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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