It's me again 🤓 sorry for all my dumb question im just asking them because the hospital service in here are terrible ! If I go they always sent you back ! Even if you are having contractions 😨 ... But I was wondering , can horrible period cramps , and upset stomach and also always having the runs💩🚽🏃🏻 be contracions .? I went when I was 34 weeks to the hospital cause I thought my water broke but I was only having contractions and they had to give me a shot two times ! And I never felt them ! I just felt like bad cramping but I wouldn't feel them coming and going 🤔... So yeah I was just wondering 😖 cause im so sick 😷 can't stop pooping and can't stop complaining about my upset stomach and horrible period cramps , I also just feel so nauseous 😷😷😷😷😷