Morning ladies, I'm looking for some advice please has anyone had their baby early around 36 weeks or been induced whilst 36 weeks? Possibly going to be started this week xx

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sometimes a baby is better off outside than inside. and IF your baby does need any medical attention its amazing what they have and can do thesedays. babies from 28weeks up can be saved. my nephew was born at 32 weeks four years ago and they did an amazing job where as a friend of mine had a baby at 32 weeks and her baby didnt need any care so every baby is different xx chin up hun xx
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks @jod1303 it's such a worry I just don't want him to be unwell if he's induced early but I have to trust the consultants decision on what's best for baby xx
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
i was induced with my twins at 35+5 had them exactly 36 weeks they were 5lb8 and 5lb they were okay just needed to be kept in an incubator at my bedside for 12 hours to keep heat xx
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @suzie80 it's much appreciated I just feel in the dark and only want what's best for my baby but it's a worry regardless. Hoping after today things will be clearer xx
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
If u had Steroids that is good then. The babies that come on there own accord at 36 are often just mature enough. When u induce u have no idea if baby has completed its cycle of things it needs to do before being born. Things they would look out for would be a poor latch and temp regulation issues if the baby might be smaller. But there very minimal at that point. My baby was just very sick with her blood when she was born and wouldn't feed or self regulate oroperly and was in scbu for two weeks. At a weight of 7.4 but I'm told it is unusual. I'm sure they know what they are doing and if baby is better out than in then they will thrive better on the outside. Things it might also have is some more jaundice than normal but again many are born at 36 w and don't have it. Good luck today
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
hi @suzie80 they have said baby's growth is tailing off and that I won't go full term as baby won't be getting enough from the placenta. I've been worried sick to be honest but hoping that 36 weeks isn't too early as some people have their babies naturally at 36 weeks. I got steriod injections last weekend to help his lungs. I have the consultant today would hoping they have more information for me
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
What reason have they given for such an early induction? My induction at 37 weeks was 4 days long and baby ended up in scbu. I'll prob be induced around the same time again because of the fact I've had 3 of my four before term with pre eclampsia and I have some other bits going on. Depends if baby is ready and willing to come but the earlier there done the longer it can take
21.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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