Anyone have preeclampsia? Just went in for my 38 week check up and I was so nauseous and dizzy and my blood pressure was high. She brought up preeclampsia but just told me to go home and rest. Freaking out a little bit.
Happened to me and they rechecked me my next appt pay attention to kicks .. They told me if I didn't go into labor on my own they woukd take her but my body went into labor at 37 weeks
then u should be good that would have to be high for them to be real concerned with pre eclampsia and they were just probably giving u possibilities is all but as long as ur protein level is good ur fine u have to have high bllod pressure and alot of protein in ur pee for pre eclampsia
they would have to test the protein in ur urine to see how high it is to confirm pre eclampsia did they do the dip stick test on the pee u bring in to the office?