My body makes me super depressed and honestly none of my family understands what I'm going through. I hurt day in and out and Dr's insists he stays in till 40 weeks to have a c =(
Yeah, unfortunately every doctor is different. And you're very welcome. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to give yourself credit, you literally are creating another human being. Your body is beyond amazing for being able to do that and withstand all the aches and pains.
Some doctors allow elective inductions and some don't. My nidwife and the hospital I gave birth at, wouldn't allow inductions until 41 weeks, unless medically necessary. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable, mama 😕 pregnancy definitely is not easy, but your body is doing amazing things. ❤️
@pandabby805, yeah that is interesting because you can't see anything anymore really . I am 39 weeks today and they are inducing me at the end of the week
@momtobe0716, that's in a couple of days. the Dr wants to do another ultrasound for no reason...the last ultrasound the nurse got nothing because he's so cramped