I've got some and it does help but the midwife came yesterday and I've got someone coming out to see her again today she's got a small tongue tie so that could be the reason coz she can't use her tongue to suck properly, I'm going to express and use bottles today though see how she gets on as well with this lady coming today see what she says. she was feeding on and off every 20 mins from 12 til half 4 last night I'm shattered too although she's still asleep now bless her but my partner wants to feed her too and it upsets him when she cries for me and he can't do anything so think it's time to bottle my milk instead :( I have enjoyed the experience of it though I love the bonding we've been able to do xxx
I second the above slather it on. It's pricey but so worth it. If u get really bad u could use nipple shields for some feeds. I've always had to use the dam things and I've breast fed all four of mine. Lol
I know how u feel... have u got some lansinoh cream... its a god send.. I couldn't have done this with out it.. £10 a tube lasts 4 ages but worth it xx