isn't it so frustrating when your SO doesn't cooperate with your parenting wishes?! I tell him she needs to go to sleep & I look up & he's feeding her a formula bottle when she just bf not Even an hour ago!! it's like anytime she cries or needs to go to bed she's hungry, "needs" a bottle!! 😠 I'm trying to primarily bf & him giving her bottles or undermining me doesn't help and makes me want to punch him!

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well I hate pumping & I'm just telling him to put her to sleep & he doesn't know how to sooth her so he automatically assumes she's hungry bc she's crying. I had literally just fed her! & I keep formula around bc I don't produce enough so the formula is like back up.
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I exclusively breastfeed. There is no formula or bottles around for anyone to get any ideas to try to feed her. And when someone does watch her I pump my milk out. You have hide or get rid of the formula so doesn't give your baby something you don't want. Because it confuses the baby and baby is not going to want to nurse anymore and going want the bottle instead because it easier. I learned the hard with my son. This time around I am letting any else her but unless I am not home or we are in the car going somewhere and pump for the trip.
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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