well in the mornings he gets taken out of his pjs and into clothes and then around 7-730pm I put his jammies on and lay him in his bassinet and he knows that it's time to sleep and he won't fuss or nothing. He he jus lays there and goes to sleep on his own. So idk why there are nights where he's gettin up every hr and a half. @v_daloca
What if he thinks it's just a nap? Maybe try sleep training him to know what is day time nap compared to night time sleep.... My son is 3 months and sleeps 10-12 hours through the night (maybe a little feeding around 3am)
I fill his bottles up to 6oz jus in case but he won't drink more than 4oz. And yeah he full blown wakes up every time. I change him first and then I'll give him his bottle cuz sometimes he wakes cuz he jus wants his diaper changed. @valrocks
Have you tried feeding him more?? I warm a few oz more than what I think he'll take just in case. The more the better. I also make sure we don't feed him after 3:30-4 so he's hungry when it's time to go to bed. Is he just stirring or does he actually wake up?? My son makes noises sometimes but doesn't actually wake up. I pushed him till 2:30 last night because I was tired. He probably could have slept later but I didn't want to push it anymore