I'm so upset. After three days home with my little angel we had her first pediatrician appointment where he noticed some yellowing and sent us to the ER for a check of her bilirubin levels it went from a 8 at birth to a 15 so we were admitted and she has been under these lights. Its so upsetting to not be able to hold and cuddle her while she's fussy I just have to try to talk to her.....on top of it all she won't latch on so she's screaming with hunger and I only have 15 min increments to try to feed her out of the light. They eventually made me pump and use a bottle which I'm praying doesn't give her nipple confusion. I'm just so upset and would love to hear from moms who have been through this.
you're welcome @evieru . don't stress too much, I know it's hard right this moment... but long term... docs got this. its a "simple fix" . no worries mama :)
yep, he ended up being just fine. he had to be under that light for almost a full 24 hours. but we were at the hospital for 2 days so they could monitor him. and we had weekly check ups after that for a few weeks. just needed to make sure he got lots of sun exposure by a window while at home.
I've never been able to breast feed because I've never gotten any milk in with my 3 boys. but my 2nd son had pretty bad jaundo and had to be admitted and go through the same thing your little one is going through. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this but don't give up. sing to your baby, talk in a low soft voice. I'm sure you are already doing this, but you need to just remember, as long as your baby is getting nutrients, it will all be OK. this won't last long and everything will be fine. if your baby has an issue latching on after this is done, try a nipple shield. they work wonders for some mommies.