How long did you mommies get your first period after baby was born ? And was it heavy or spotting not sure if it's a period don't feel cramps but it's heavy and chunks of blood so not sure ? Serious question .
It was less than 4 weeks pp. my pp bleeding had stopped around 2.5 wks and then I started spotting again as large blood clots but it was bright in color and I freaked out and called my ob. Slight cramping but only as the period got heavier (day 4) it's taken 4 months to return to my old heavy/painful cycle.
@mrssanderson, really it's a month and half after and out of no where I started bleeding and it was really bright red and chunks doesn't look like blood after I did but it's different I know what a period is but not sure if that's it or not are you breast feeding seen something that does with feeding