Yes and I only do formula if she seems to want More but I have only done the rice for 3 days now we just went to the doctor earlier this week and discovered the reflux. But yes since the rice no throw up or spit up and I'm pretty sure when we go back next week for a weight check she will have gained more 🙌🏽
If your breastfeeding try burping during the time he's nursing. Also does he spit up right after and then no more, or does he spit up up to an hour after he eats? My son is on 2 reflux meds because his acid reflux is pretty severe, it's decreased since he got older but we had a hard time getting him to gain weight in the beginning @motherof2taurusboys
My daughter does! So far munchkin latch bottles have done so much better I was originally using Mam bottles. Before meds are introduced my pediatrician recommended adding 1 teaspoon of rice cereal to thicken the milk and so far she has kept it down no throwing it up and she hasn't gotten constipated she is still popping normal.