June.16,2016 @3:02am weighing 6lbz & 13oz Length 21.5 inches. My Baby Girl Ava Maranda Louis Is About to be One Month within 1 hour OMGGGGGG TIME FLIES.
Omg I was just wondering about you the other day, I couldn't remember your username lol, but omg! You had the baby! Congrats! And guess what? We had our babies the same day 😂😂😂 mine was born at 3:32pm though. God bless you Guys!! 😘
Same here, my first birth was long but not painful..had the epidural but it wasn't fully effective bc I could stand and squat to push. My 2nd labor was long too but ended up in a emergency csection bc the way she was facing..that csection didn't hurt like this one I just had, I've never felt so much pain in my life. I want an all natural birth..no meds and I will get that as soon as I find a doc that will do a VBA2C. I'm holding my baby now && can't imagine not having anymore babies. As long as me && him financially can support them I'm never tying my tubes.
Lmao I'm ready for another one the pushing was only like ten minutes I'm a strong girl I took that epidural when I was at 7 Cm and as soon as he put it in my back my bag popped so I felt no pain I wasn't sweating screaming none.
It will do that, I keep replaying last Friday over and over, I regret not sticking to what I wanted instead I let my doc do a csection when no real medical reason to do a repeat but I am grateful for my baby girl...she's my twin outta my other 2 girls and the smallest..definitely my ❤
@ariliyahzihmommy3, 😞😞😰😰 I'm staying up til 3:02 I got my baby in my hand now sleep n Ik when the time hit Ima cry. I can't believe it. In my mind the delivery just keep replaying. Over n over