just lost my mucus plug. funny thing is that for some reason I wanted to stop at the hospital to preregister and not even an hour later I loose my mucus plug. Only this would happen to me. 😂
lol. you're not a perv. I was just thinking that maybe I was wrong and it wasn't my mucus plug. but I looked it up and it comes out when it wants to I guess. usually in the bathroom time. I wiped and saw it. but all day I've been having mesntral cramps and backache before it came out. now they are a bit more uncomfortable. I'm not due till the mid week of August so you can believe I want this kid to stay in a bit longer.
Just asking cause I'm due on the 3rd and I was Just Wondering if it just comes out when your using the restroom or it can happen at any time. That's all. I wasn't trying to be a perve or anything like that