I've been on metformin to help me ovulate for just over a week coming up to 2 weeks. first week starting last tuesday on 500mg then upped to 1000mg this second week on Tuesday... I was expecting it at least to take 2 or 3 cycles before. a chance of anything could happen but...it seems/feels like we might potentially be nearer our BFP than expected! (we hope) I was hoping to get your opinions!
friday- lots of egg white stretchy CM. (order ovulation tests on prime for next day delivery) DTD.
saturday- lots of egg white stretchy CM and cramping on right side followed by a very clear positive Ovulation test. DTD.
Sunday - lots of egg white stretchy CM. less bold but still positive ovulation test. DTD.
Monday- nipples start to become tender. negative over test DTD.
Tuesday- Sore Nipples and shoot you pains in boobs. bubbly activity feeling in pelvis area. gassy and constipated.
Wednesday- sore nipples still and shooting pains in boobs feeling slightly nauseous and gassy. constipated followed by diarrhea. totally knackered fell asleep by 8pm (not like me)pelvic activity motions
Thursday- Emotional Cranky Snappy boobs hurting nipples hurting and dark feel like they're constantly standing on end end of nipples have white pin pricks marks on them. gassy. stupidly hungry. creamier CM medium amount. nauseous and suddenly a certain smell was really offensive and made me feel nauseous again too. Lower abdomen pinching and cramp and stabbing. pains.
no idea whether to think AF or potential BFP so confused any thoughts?