Rachael shanks
Rachael shanks
So what are your thoughts on co sleeping?!?! I've been terrified but I know of so many moms who do it

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with my daughter we didn't intend on co-sleeping but it's something that just happened. we have a baby hammock instead of a crib but she uses it for naps mostly but we didn't get the hammock until she was 2 months old. after she was born the early weeks with her felt important to be in close contact with her at all times especially the first week we stayed in bed butt naked together, I found that she sleeps longer and better with me and it's easy to nurse her at night bc she'll feed in her sleep. also my body doesn't move, before I would turn and roll constantly in my sleep but when she's in my arms on my chest my body doesn't do that anymore. there are rules to follow when it comes to cosleeping such as if you are intoxicated don't sleep with the baby or if you are taking medication it's not advisable to cosleep. alcohol, drugs and such dull and may diminish the maternal instincts that keep your body from rolling on top of the baby. Another one is health and well-being, if you're obese it's not advisable to bedshare, or exhaustion- you are passing out, now sometimes this is unavoidable I know I've woken up not remembering going to sleep nothing bad happened baby was safe but it's not something you want to make a habit of and should reach out to someone for help with the baby so you can rest properly so as to not let that happen again like in my case I reached out to my husband. anyway I believe the safest place for babies is their mothers arms but it takes being mindful and having self-awareness to cosleep or specifically bedshare with babies
15.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm not doing it because I've heard too many stories of moms or dads rolling over and killing their baby in their sleep. A bassinet next to our bed is perfect and close and safe and good enough for me!!
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Babygirl has been sleeping with and in her crib since birth and we love it . I'm a super light sleeper and so is her dad so it has worked for us. But when she use to give me hard nights were I would be up so late and feel super exhausted I'd put her in her crib next to me because I was scared I wouldn't feel her. But while we all fall asleep at a good time nice and relaxed we sleep with her (: she has no hard time switching to her crib since we would sleep with her crib sheets and little stuffed animal so I'll put it close to her body and I'm sure she thought of it as us. But anyway I love co sleeping a lot till she was about 5 months lol now since 6 months and up it became a habit waking up with getting my hair pulled /: lol but the bond with my baby when she wakes up and cuddles on my chest and kisses me is beautiful❤️
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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