I had my 20 week scan yesterday and during the scan I noticed the ultrasound tech taking longer than they did with my son. My doctor told me that they saw and enlarged cyst on the brain but that's sometimes a common thing and they can disappear and usually do by 24-26 weeks. I looked it up and the web says usually seeing a cyst and other issues could lead to trisomy 18 so now I'm freaking out worrying. I'm getting scanned at my next appointment in 4 weeks but gosh 4 weeks is a long time away when you are worried about something like that.
We are having a little gender reveal party on Friday to find out the gender and now I'm feeling kinda broken, I don't want to get attached anymore in case it turns out to be the worst case. It's hard not to worry about it.

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My daughter at her gender scan they found a small hole in her heart but it closed up by the time she was born and she has a strong heartbeat
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
One of my twins had a cyst on his brain as well! By week 24 it was gone! :) breath mommy! I was freaking out too but it is very common! Just too much blood flow during the development in the brain! It will work out the way its meant to! But try relaxing (i know easier said than done) but it will help baby too :) Good luck with everything!
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
honestly everything will be fine. ultrasound can only tell so much and it's most the time never true. trust me I've been through it with my first. I would go into that reveal just as happy as you were before. I know it's hard not to worry trust me but everything will turn out fine
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Unfortunately even IF something bad results from it... That is still your child and should be celebrated to the fullest extent! Good luck momma
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. It's stupid looking up things on the internet because you find the worst things. Just really nervous. My son is a year old and I had a great pregnancy with him and no issues except having an emergency section. This pregnancy is going great too but just feel lost just now. Don't think I'd manage if it was the worst case scenario. Trying to keep positive and wait the four weeks but gosh it's hard.
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
The Internet will be your worst nightmare during pregnancy. I found that out real quick. I'd listen to your doctor and just trust that everything will be fine. Good luck momma 💕
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
That can be so scary but I say keep a good heart :) lord bless your pregnancy!
14.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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