Last time we had an ultra sound was 19 weeks I'm almost 25weeks now.... Is this normal? I switched OBs and my old one said they wouldn't be doing anymore sonograms. Should I mention that to my new OB and see if they can check his growth?
usually if everything is fine they wont do more than 2 unless ur high risk. ive gotten 2 so far. one to confirm pregnancy at 8 weeks and another at 20 weeks to check growth. ppl go to the dr and lie and say they fell or something isnt right just to get one so if u really want another... go for it lol.
they usually only do 2 ultrasounds. unless they feel they need to do more. I got one at 11w3d to check due date I got my growth scan at 20w2d and they did a second growth scan a couple weeks ago cause he was measuring small. you can mention it and see what the doctor says